More than 460 thousand tons of vegetables are planned to be harvested in the Moscow region (Google Translate)
In the Moscow region, they plan to harvest more than 460 thousand tons of open and protected ground vegetables this year.
This is reported by the online edition “Podmoskovye Segodnya” with reference to the data of the regional Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
In 2022, the sowing of open ground vegetables is planned for 8.2 thousand hectares. Gross harvest will amount to 336 thousand tons, which is 10% more than the same period last year.
There are also plans to build new greenhouse complexes in the region.
In this regard, the gross harvest of greenhouse vegetables will exceed 128 thousand tons, which is 17.3 thousand tons more than last year.
Earlier, RIA56 reported that the volume of state support for the agro-industrial complex of the Orenburg region over three years exceeded 10 billion rubles. (Google Translate).
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